
The Acoustics Hub

The Acoustics Guide

Together, let’s create inspiring solutions and share acoustic knowledge.


Sound Essentials

What is Sound Absorption and Why Does it Matter?   Sound absorption is a crucial concept

Understanding the Fundamentals of Sound Engineering  Understanding the Fundamentals – Sound engineering involves capturing, manipulating,

Understanding the Importance of Acoustics in Education Settings  Acoustics play a vital role in creating

Acoustic panels are essential for creating a balanced sound environment, whether in an office, home

Hear The Difference

Reducing reverberation and echoes is a key component in improving the acoustic comfort in a space by minimising speech intelligibility issues and creating a more pleasant and softer feel.  Adding in acoustic treatments like absorption panels on the wall or ceiling will take down the reverberation, promoting productivity, communication, and relaxation in the environment. 

Say goodbye to unwanted noise disturbances and hello to a quieter, more serene atmosphere.

Without Acoustic Panels


How Much Absorption For My Space?

The percentage of coverage for Class A acoustic panels in a room depends on several factors, including the size and shape of the room, the materials used in construction, and the desired level of sound absorption. However, a common recommendation is to aim for around 30% to 50% coverage of the total surface area of the walls for effective sound absorption.

Here’s a general approach to determine the coverage:

Determine the dimensions and characteristics of your room. Larger rooms with more reflective surfaces will require more acoustic treatment.

Calculate the total surface area of the walls, including any ceiling and floor if necessary.

Decide on the percentage of coverage you want based on the room’s acoustics and your preferences. As mentioned, 30% to 50% is a common range for effective absorption.

Multiply the total surface area of the walls by the desired percentage coverage to get the area of panels needed.

Place the panels strategically in the room, focusing on areas where sound reflections are most problematic, such as first reflection points (where sound directly reflects off the walls to the listener), corners, and areas with parallel surfaces.

Contact us today to get a free before and after calculation of your space to help you decide how much absorption you need to create a space that sounds just right.

Need Acoustic Advice?

Phone Number

01977 525 974


c/o Qic Trims Radclive Road, Gawcott Buckingham, MK18 4BL, United Kingdom
